
+41 (0)26 673 19 93

Opening hours

The Restaurant

+41 (0)26 673 12 12


Find us

Route du Canal 2
1786 Sugiez
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Murten is located about 10 Minutes away from our camping. Next to the city you'll find the Murtensee which is a lake. The old is in a very good state and the battlements are almost all around the town. Every year, the city is organising a classical music festival. Next time you are coming in our campsite, you can walk around a few hours.


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Biel is located about 30 minutes away from our camping. This town is bilingual, everything is written in german and french. Most of the people will answer you in both languages. The watch industry is very present as Roley, Omega and Swatch Group are based in this city. Next to the city you can walk at the edge of the Bielersee (lake of Biel). Next time you come to visit us in our camping you could organise an excursion to Biel and Chasseral which is the highest mountain of the Jura Mountains.


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Neuchâtel/Neuenburg is about 30 minutes away from our campsite. The city is located next to its lake called Lac de Neuchâtel. This city is very known for its Soccer Team and it's old town. Next time you come to our camping, go there and hang around for a few hours.


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Freiburg is about 30 minutes away from our camping. The city was built with gothic style and is famous for its Saint-Niklaus Cathedral. The city is divided in two parts the high city and the low city, connected by a cablecar. If you like art you can visit the "Espace Jean Tinguely - Niki de Saint Phalle".


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The capital of Switzerland is Bern which is located 30 minutes away from our camping. In this town there is an atmosphere like in a little quiet village. The public transportation network is very good and the trams are part of the Unesco World Heritage. Next time you stay in our camping, you can visit a trip to bern to walk at the edge of the Aare (river), visit the bear pit (and see bears), take pictures of the Zytglogge and the federal palace.


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horaire réception fr

lu - ve 8.30-11.30 
sa - di fermé
vacances 22.2-3.3.25

horaire réception de

Mo - Fr 8.30-11.30
Sa - So geschlossen
Ferien 22.2-3.3.25





horaire réception en

Mo - Fr 8.30-11.30 
Sa - Su closed
Holiday 22.2-3.3.25


horaire restaurant fr

Fermé jusqu'en
mars 2025
Bon hiver à tous!



horaire restaurant de

Geschlossen bis
März 2025
Schöne Wintersaison


horaire restaurant en

Closed until
March 2025
Happy Wintertime

Conditions FR

Heure d'arrivée: entre 16h00 et 20h00

Heure de départ: 10h00

Mai, juin et Septembre: location minimum de 2 nuits.

Juillet et août: location à la semaine du samedi au samedi uniquement.

Accès à la piscine et aux installations sportives compris.

Les animaux domestiques ne sont pas admis.

Voir les conditions générales de vente

Conditions DE

Ankunftszeit: zwischen 16:00 und 20:00 Uhr

Abreise: 10:00 Uhr

Mai, Juni und September: Min. 2 Nächte.

Juli und August: Wochentagsmiete von Samstag bis Samstag. 

Zutritt zu Schwimmbad und Sportanlagen inbegriffen.

Haustiere sind nicht zugelassen.

Die allgemeine Verkaufsbedingungen anschauen

Conditions EN

Arrival time: 4:00pm - 8:00pm

Departure time: 10:00am

May, June and September: Min. 2 nights.

July and August: weekly rental from Saturday to Saturday.

Access to the swimming pool and sports installations included.

Pets are not allowed.

See terms & conditions

Opening hours

Guest service:



GPS coordinates
Latitude: 46o58'28.1'' N
Longitude: 7o05'44.2'' E

google maps

Places around the camping

Neuchâtel - 20 min
Biel - 30 min
Murten - 10 min
Fribourg - 30 min
Bern - 30 min


Phone:+41 26 673 19 93

Phone:+41 26 673 12 12




energy green label